Thursday 28 April 2011

It's behind you!

Or under your bed, to be precise. This project was called "The Art of the Accident", which I was initially not impressed with, because it demanded that you were spontaneous, which by it's nature is quite difficult. But then I saw one of the topics we could work with was "When Animals Attack". It was love at first site. The creature at the top is a soft toy visualisation of the result of a game of consequences I made my family play, in order to create a monster that I would have no control over. Turns out the little fella has a mind of it's own, I left the camera on over night and he went all Toy Story on me.

Not content with making a little monster, I decided to make myself into one, after a mask making workshop with the very awesome Riitta Ikonen. I felt that the next natural step from a mask, was to make a giant tentacle and get under my lovely friend Ed's bed and pretend to be a monster. It was pretty awesome, not gonna lie. The video came out a bit sketchy, so I'll try and sort that out and post it up, so for now, you'll have to be content with these in no way terrifying photos :D

Ding Ding Round 2

These are images produced in a one day collage workshop with the one and only Paul Burgess,
We had three topics - something that makes you angry, your hero and a self-portrait.
The top image is something that makes me angry - when people assume I can't play games cos I'm a lady. The second is a hero of mine, my little brother (he views me as a brother, hence the girl with the tash), and the bottom is a self portrait. I think the whole gender ambiguity thing in that is fairly self explanatory :D

Right, let's do some catching up.

Okay, I haven't posted in far too long, so here is the beginning of a massive catch up of some work, seeing as this is the point of this shebang. These are from our "let there be light" abstract photography project we did a while back. Which we were all initially a bit iffy about, seeing as we're a Graphic Design and Illustration class, but actually these turned out to be pretty badass, so all's well that ends well.